The Icelandic-German composer Steingrimur Rohloff is one of the most prominent young Scandinavian composers, and his works have been performed in more than 25 countries worldwide. He studied in Cologne and in Paris at the Conservatoire Superieur and the IRCAM with Gérard Grisey and Marc-André Dalbavie among others; this French school of crystalline orchestral music has influenced Rohloff profoundly. Among Rohloff's many awards is the prestigious B.A. Zimmermann Award, which he won whilst living in Germany. The jury described his music as: of an original fantasy … exciting melodic creativity… colourful harmonies…
His list of works stretches from orchestral and chamber music to electro- acoustic music, and in recent years Rohloff has also produced a number of stage works. His very first music theatre work was the children's opera Story of a Mother based on Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale. It has earned the most prestigious Danish performning arts award: Reumert. Other stage works include 4 Angles on Medea, Motion Demon, Timeshift, Babel, nominated for two Reumerts and Lysistrate. Furthermore to mention is his regular collaboration with the world famous Ensemble Modern and festivals like Klang, Wien Modern, the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Klangspuren, Aldeburgh festival of music, Cresc - Frankfurt, Triennale Köln and more.
Works of Steingrimur Rohloff that are being published by Editions Musica Ferrum:
- Piano
250 piano pieces for Beethoven vol. 10
- £28.00
- The tenth and last volume of the "250 piano pieces for Beethoven" project, initiated and organised by Susanne Kessel, in Bonn.
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