He was the first to make commercial recordings of the piano music of English-Parsi composer Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji. He also made a recording of the piano music by the Portuguese composer Alexandre Rey Colaço (selections are on YouTube).
His debut took place in New York, 1977. Since then he has been heard often in recital. He holds a Master's Degree in Composition from Long Island University - in 1985 he was awarded a Doctorate by the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University.
Published writings include magazine articles, a chapter in Remembering Horowitz: 125 Pianists Recall a Legend (edited by David Dubal) and a chapter in Sorabji: A Critical Celebration, edited by Paul Rapoport.
He has taught at colleges in Maryland and Pennsylvania, as well as privately since 1976. Other activities include serving as juror for piano competitions, playing the organ in church, composing, and arranging. He has also spent years designing a large website, an overview of the literature of the piano.
Works of Michael Habermann that are being published by Editions Musica Ferrum:
- Piano
250 piano pieces for Beethoven vol. 6
- £28.00
- The sixth volume of the "250 piano pieces for Beethoven" project, initiated and organised by Susanne Kessel, in Bonn.
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