Martin Christoph Redel was born the 30th january 1947 in Detmold. His father is the flautist Kurt Redel, and his mother was the pianist Erika Redel-Seidler. He studied percussion and composition at the University of Music Detmold. His teachers were Friedrich Scherz (percussion), Rudolf Kelterborn, Giselher Klebe and Johannes Driessler (composition). Redel completed his studies at the Musikhochschule Hannover with the composer Isang Yun.
Since 1971 he taught musictheory and eartraining at the University of Music Detmold, and in 1979 he was appointed to a professorship for composition.
ithin the years 1974 and 1984 he founded the „Ensemble Kontraste together with his colleagues of the University for the purpose to cultivate the contemporary music. Since that time he also leads the courses and competitions „Jugend komponiert and „Treffen junger Kompo-nisten at Weikersheim castle, arranged by the Jeunesses Musicales Germany. In 1992 he became president of the Jeunesses Musicales Germany.
From 1993 - 2001 he was rector of the University of Music Detmold. His works, performed in many countries of the world and produced by different broadcasting stations, got many awards in Germany as well as abroad: For example „Supporting award of Nordrhein-Westfalen and of the cities Stuttgart and Mannheim, the „Gino Marinuzzi-award(San Remo), „Prix Arthur Honegger (Paris) and Menzione speciale in the Romualdo Marenco-Competition (Novi Ligure).
Works of Martin Christoph Redel that are being published by Editions Musica Ferrum:
- Piano
250 piano pieces for Beethoven vol. 3
- £28.00
- The third volume of the "250 piano pieces for Beethoven" project, initiated and organised by Susanne Kessel, in Bonn.
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