Erik Janson did his first private composition studies with Composer Michael Denhoff in Bonn since 1997. From autumn 1999 on he studied Composition with Isabel Mundry (in summer-semester 2003 with Jörg Birkenkötter, also several group lessons with Hans Zender and Gerhard Müller-Hornbach) at Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst Frankfurt/Main where he made his diploma in October 2004 with best possible predicate (1,0). He also participated in several composition courses at Internationale Darmstädter Ferienkurse. Before and during his first composition studies he also made an exam in German Language and Music for Schools (Sekundarstufe II and I with almost best predicate 1,3) at Universities of Cologne and Dortmund (1990 until 1998) and also worked as a teacher for Music and German Language in schools from 1997 on before he decided in february 2002 to focus only on working and living as freelance composer.
Since 1996 his works are performed in many locations und small Concert series and Festivals in Germany and also abroad. Janson got several stipends, awards, commissions and references.
Since 2002 until now Janson works with prominent ensembles and musicians of the international contemporary music scene. Jansons music has been broadcasted or send in features in Swiss Radio DRS, ORF, Conzertcender (NL), WDR, Saarländischer Rundfunk.
Works of Erik Janson that are being published by Editions Musica Ferrum:
- Piano
250 piano pieces for Beethoven vol. 3
- £28.00
- The third volume of the "250 piano pieces for Beethoven" project, initiated and organised by Susanne Kessel, in Bonn.
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